10 easy steps for a clutter-free home
1. Make a list
Decluttering is a marathon not a sprint, so it’s easier to break it down into chunks. Start by writing a list of the rooms you hope to organize. Prioritize the ones with the most use, or that need the most love and attention.
2. Take before and after photos
Be your own role model for future clear-outs and de-clutters. With a before and after picture, you can hopefully motivate yourself to create similar results again in the future.
3. Remove the excess
Our homes are often overflowing with things, and clutter begins to take over when we own too many possessions. Conversely, the fewer items we buy and own, the easier it is to live in a minimalist environment. An important step in keeping your home clutter-free is to remove excess items you no longer use or want.
4. Donate, recycle or sell
Part of removing excess can include donating unwanted items to charity, recycling them, or selling. Within the UK, 300,000 tonnes of used clothing end up in landfill every year.¹ A sustainable way of supporting people in need is to donate clothing, books, toys, and other household items to charity shops. Used clothing bins and shop-and-drop soft plastic recycling points are available at local supermarkets.
To avoid contributing to fast-fashion-filled landfill sites, you could also consider selling your clothes through online sites and apps. Not only do you benefit financially from selling your old clothes, but others are able to make use of your pre-loved items.

5. Roll, don’t fold
After making your wardrobe and draws clutter-free, roll your clothes into storage shelves, boxes and draws. An alternative to folding, this technique avoids creases and allows you to view your clothes more easily. It also helps create more space.
6. Find inspiring spaces online
Avoiding clutter isn’t just about throwing things out. Interior design should make it easier to organize household items. If you’re unsure how to transform your home into a clutter-free zone, inspiration from social media accounts that showcase great design can give you ideas for a calmer, stress-free space.
7. Create smart storage solutions
Having inadequate storage can make your home feel disorganized. However, creating a streamlined solution may involve changing your perspective on how you’re currently using your space.
Using furniture effectively goes a long way in reducing the amount of clutter that appears in your home. Shopping for furniture that doubles up as additional storage can also help keep rooms tidy and items convenient to find.
8. Use your wall space
Wall spaces can be a great way of bringing new heights to your storage. Use hooks on the backs of doors, including your front door. Shelving can also be effective when creating tidying options. Adding height to your storage helps reduce floor clutter and the temptation to shove things in boxes or cupboards.
9. Out of date, out of home
While it might feel obvious, our homes often store expired food and beauty formulas. Skincare and makeup all have their own expiry date and cosmetics can damage your skin if not renewed. Check the dates, and if they’re too old, take the opportunity to declutter.
10. Say goodbye to unused gifts
While you may be holding onto gifts from the guilt of not wanting to throw them away, it’s important to remember the sentimental value is the thought of giving. So create some more space in your home by donating these unused items. After all, what you don't use could be perfect for someone else.
Decluttering to reduce conflict
Untidy homes lead to arguments, with 61% of UK households clashing over clutter at least once a month.² Tension with family or roommates often occurs when one person can't control mess. By creating a tidying and cleaning routine, you're helping to resolve some of these potential problems.
Cleaner home for a clearer mind
It's possible that living clutter-free can have as much of an effect on your wellbeing as it can our your physical space. Decluttering is known to help people feel more in control of their environment. It can also help ease anxiety and create a sense of confidence.³

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¹ https://www.oxfam.org.uk/oxfam-in-action/oxfam-blog/new-shocking-facts-about-the-impact-of-fast-fashion-on-our-climate/