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Please note, orders placed after 17:30 on 24 March will be delivered from 26 March.

In the box

Frequently asked questions

What is different about the Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool™ Gen1 machine?

The Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool™ Gen1 machine has the same core capabilities found in our purification products. The Dyson Purifer Hot+Cool™ Gen1 machine, senses pollutants PM2.5 and PM10 - filtering all pollutants except formaldehyde. Although this machine doesn’t have app connectivity, the remote control allows you to easily adjust settings on the machine.

What is new about the Dyson Purifier range and how is it different to other purifiers?

Dyson engineers are perfectionists. Channelling our relentless dissatisfaction, we have re-engineered the Dyson Purifier range to be our first purifiers fully sealed to HEPA H13 standard. Capturing 99.95% of ultrafine particles and preventing pollutants from leaking back into the air you breathe.³

How often should I replace my filter?

We recommend replacing the HEPA+Carbon filter every 12 months.⁵ That's because over time, filters can get clogged with pollutants, and even let unpleasant odours back into the room. The machine will alert you when it’s time to change filters. A filter life reading can be found on the LCD screen. The catalytic filter never needs replacing.

  • 1 In maximum setting. Tested for air projection (DTM801) and purification coverage in a 81m3 room (TM-003771).
  • 2 Tested for filtration efficiency at 0.1 microns (EN1822, ISO29463)
  • 3 Particle challenge by DEHS oil specified in EN1822 within a chamber specified in ASTM F3150. Tested in Max Mode at IBR US, for whole machine efficiency above 99.95%. Gas capture rate vary.
  • 4 Compared to earlier generation. Tested in a 35m³ room (DTM961).
  • 5 Based on 12 hours use per day. Filter life varies according to pollution levels.
  • 7 After reaching target temperature and maintaining it. Tested in a 35 m³ chamber when using the hot air mode and the product setting temperature is 25 °C. Comparing with continuous operation with power consumption of 2050W. Real life results may vary depending on room insulation.